February 2023 - 6.1 Release Notes.

February 2023 - 6.1 Release Notes.

New Filter in Alerts Widget: Workflow Status

  • In the “Alerts By Jurisdiction By Document Status” widget, you can filter by workflow status as shown below. For example, you can view “All alerts” that are applicable across the US 50 states.

  • After applying the filters, you can navigate to the underlying data by clicking on the map.


Agency Updates Widget Are Now Smart

  • After applying the filters, you can navigate to the underlying data by clicking on the chart.

New Widget: Agency Updates by Jurisdiction by Document Status

  • Users can now see the agency updates by document status across the US. 



“In Library” Label within Search Results

The "In Library" label will show up when the user hovers over any of the documents that are part of the law library in the search results.

Users can now see the “In library” tag in

  • Advanced Search

  • Universal Search

Impact Assessment workflow change

Creating a new IA

  • Users can now create Impact Assessments when the alert's status is In Process, Applicable, Following, or Unread.

  • Users will not be able to create Impact Assessments when an alert is in the Excluded state. 

Closing an IA

  • Users can directly close the IA if the alert is in the Applicable/Excluded state.

  • If a user tries to close an impact assessment for an alert that is marked as Unread, In Process, or Following, the system will make the below recommendation. Users can reject the recommendation and close the impact assessment.

Reopening an IA

  • Users can reopen an IA.

  • The alert must be moved to In Process, Applicable, Following, or Unread if the user wants to reopen the IA from an Excluded state.

Audit for Controls, Risks, and Tasks

  • Audit display has been introduced for Controls, Risks, and Tasks.

  • Users can now see the changes made for each field in Controls, Risks, and Tasks.

  • Audit functionality contains information on changes made to each of the fields that exist in the Controls, Risks, and Tasks along with the Time, Date, and Year when a change has happened.







User deletion and Migration

 Admins can now easily delete users on the platform and migrate the user’s data. 


Back navigation in alerts

Back navigation has been implemented for Alerts and Impact Assessments (IA).

From the alert assessment detail view, when a user navigates to another object such as an authoritative document and hit the back button, the user will be brought back to the alert summary view. The same is true for the impact assessment overview page.

Account Setting Updates

  • Profile page has been revamped.

  • Email Notification settings have been introduced, allowing users to select the type and frequency of notifications they would like to receive.

Bug Fixes


Ticket Number



Ticket Number




Fixed an issue where clicking on history in the alerts summary page was breaking the alerts page and side navigation.


Fixed an issue where all alerts view with alert category filter was showing wrong text for Agency Updates.


Saved views






Fixed issues related to the Risk, Control, and Tasks Saved Views. These include:

  • Read-only users now have access to save a view.

  • Read-only users are now displayed in share options list of saved views.

  • User can now pin the view in the first attempt.

  • Sharing rights are now respected in saved views.










Fixed issues related to Risk, Control, and Tasks Audit. These include:

  • Removing description now shows proper text in audit.

  • Adding and removing authoritative document records now look normal in audit.

  • Removing comment record is now displaying correctly in audit.

  • Owners record in audit is now showing the correct record.

  • Changes made to stakeholders are now displaying in audit log.

  • Assigned policy, related docs, controls, auth docs, and added comment now showing properly in history log.

  • Comment is now displayed in Impact Assessment audit history instead of showing blank.

  • Fixed an issue with Compliance Run where the applicability scope was not working as expected.

Impact Assessment


Fixed an issue where Impact Assessments paginator was not working.

Law library


Clicking on Add to Mapping/Applicability is no longer breaking the side navigation.



Fixed an issue where the user was able to select only 6 corpuses, agencies, and other unselected corpuses, agencies were hidden in the Corpus, Agency Filter.

Profile page



Improved the user experience by making the following changes:

  • “Cancel” is now working fine after image upload.

  • Clicking on change button is now responsive.



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