Leverage Reggi to extract requirements of from an authoritative document located in the law library.
To create Requirements using Reggi:
Go to the Law Library and Select the select an authoritative document E, e.g. ‘Equal Credit Opportunity’. Or navigate to the authoritative document.
Click the Reggi icon.
Click on the prompt “Draft the requirements”.
Reggi will display the generated requirements in its side panel.
Review the multiple requirements available.
Click "Save Draft" to store a particular requirement.
After saving, an "Open" button becomes available.
Click it to view detailed information about the stored requirement.
Manual Requirement Creation from an Authoritative Document
In any Authoritative Documentauthoritative document, users can simply click on the requirement Requirement icon to create or link the requirement manually.
Alternatively, extract requirements directly from text sections in an Authoritative Document authoritative document by selecting the Requirements iconfrom the menu options. Complete the description details and save the Requirement form.